займати місця біля гармат
guns and gunnery equipment
guns sheaf formation (placement)
elevating gear tumbler of medium machine guns
fine elevating gear of medium machine guns
bring the guns to bear
deflect the fire of guns
lining-up of guns
get the guns parallel on their zero line
by guns
no man's land / no-man's land
man behind the man behind the gun
man-to-man encounter
man-to-man fighting
man-to-man weapon
aid man section
average man
enlisted man
hook-up man
man portable air defense system (MANPADS)
man-made disaster; technological disaster
man-made features
man-made obstacle
man-packed receiver-transmitter
medical aid-man
natural and man-made
nuclear suitcase bomb; man-portable nuclear weapon
one-man turret
rounds per man
two-man foxhole