розташовувати особовий склад в оборонних спорудах
man the defenses
no man's land / no-man's land
man behind the man behind the gun
man-to-man encounter
man-to-man fighting
man-to-man weapon
active defenses
breach defenses
crack defenses/the front
Ground Based Air Defenses (GBAD)
military defenses
outpost defenses
passive defenses
pierce defenses
punch / smash / tear a hole (in the defenses)
shore up defenses * зміцнити оборону
disrupt defenses
disrupting defenses
accessory defenses
well-prepared defenses
obliterate defenses
bolster defenses
build up the defenses
carry enemy defenses
clear defenses
crack defenses
cut behind defenses
defenses fall apart
demoralize the defenses
erase the defenses
erect defenses