технік з обслуговування та ремонту
bomb technician
mine technician
field service technician (FST)
airframe and engine technician
airframe and power plant technician
apprentice technician
avionics technician
electrical systems technician
hydraulics technician
logistic-accountability technician (responsible for re-supply and accountability of spare parts)
mechanics technician
quality assurance technician
aerial delivery technician
junior technician
aerial photographic technician
camouflage technician
aeromedical technician
radio-traffic analysis technician
contingency maintenance / special maintenance
depot maintenance (beyond O and I level activities, performed in an industrial-type facility) / D-level maintenance
maintenance checks / routine maintenance, scheduled tasks
maintenance idling (periodic running of engine for maintenance purposes)
organizational maintenance (O-level) (day-to-day work that standard airfield maintenance groups perform in support of airfield operations)
routine maintenance / scheduled tasks, maintenance checks
scheduled tasks / routine maintenance, maintenance checks
special maintenance / contingency maintenance
aircraft maintenance company (AMCO)
base maintenance
battalion maintenance platoon
communications and control systems maintenance
crew (preventive) maintenance
depot maintenance