основна броня
main defense area (line) / main defensive position
main tank/ main fuel tank
main gear box / main rotor transmission
main rotor transmission / main gear box
main-rotor head / main-rotor hub
main-rotor hub / main-rotor head
armor piercing projectile / armor-piercing projectile
armor kill / armor killing area
direction of the main blow
form the main effort
main (fighting) force(s)
Main Air Traffic Flow Management Centre (MATFMC)
Main Armaments Directorate of the RF Armed Forces
main attack
main ballast tank
main base
main battery
main battle area (MBA)
main battle force
main battle tank (MBT)
main blow
main body
main charge
main command post
main concentration (of troops)
main control room
main convoy
main crossing
main defense forces
main direction of the attack
main dressing station
main effort