з низьким димо- і газовиділенням, з низьким виділенням гару; малодимний
low smoke and fume cable
fume extraction plant / fume-extraction plant
smoke grenade (smoke canister)
low-RCS target / low-radar-cross-section target
low flying aircraft / low-flying aircraft
low-flying, low-speed drone
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
smoke and illumination
smoke and flash defilade
acid fume
airfoil exhaust fume dispersing
battery fume
combustible fume detection system
diesel fume
exhaust fume
exhaust fume hood
explosive fume
flammable fume
fume chamber
fume characteristic
fume class
fume cleaning
fume cleaning plant
fume collector
fume control
fume damage
fume detector
fume emission
fume evolution
fume evolution factor
fume exhaust