низька ймовірність виявлення
probability of detection (POD)
low probability of intercept (LPI)
low-probability-of-intercept radar (LPIR)
amphibious transport dock (LPD)
amphibious warfare ship (LPD)
landing platform dock (LPD)
kill probability
probability of kill
relative probability of adoption
probability yardstick
target hit probability
words of estimative probability
kill probability (rate)
missing probability
undetection probability
probability of success (POS)
single-shot probability
basic probability
low-RCS target / low-radar-cross-section target
low flying aircraft / low-flying aircraft
low-flying, low-speed drone
ambush detection device
automated target detection, tracking, co-ordinate finding and interceptor guidance system
avoiding detection
bomb-detection device
chemical detection equipment
detection equipment
detection system
detection zone
early detection
electronic detection countermeasures
electronic detection device