довгострокова військова програма
long term defense programme
chronic and long-term effects
long term capability requirements
long term disablement
long term investment expenditure
long term study
data with long-term utility
Long Term Evolution (LTE)
long-term damage
long-term test
task force on long term technology goals
long-term emission technology goal
long-term forecast
greatest long-term threat (the)
Long-Term Evolution (LTE, Eurofighter Typhoon)
Long-Term Evolution (LTE, telecommunications)
long-range standoff missile (long-range stand off, LRSO)
Aircraft Cross-Servicing Programme (ACSP, NATO)
exercise programme
leader education and training programme
Logistics Evaluation and Assessment Programme (LEAP)
NATO Programme of Work for defenseagainst Terrorism (DAT)
nuclear programme
outreach programme
Partnership for Peace Programme
Programme Control Section (NATO)
public information programme
Security Cooperation Programme
Stand-Off Explosives Detection Programme (STANDEX)
Train the Trainers programme
Training and Education Enhancement Programme
training programme