старі типи озброєння
Enable support for legacy Multiwii MSP current output
air armaments section
armaments cooperation
Armaments Directorate (NATO IS)
armaments industry
armaments information management system (AIMS)
armaments modernization
armaments planning
Armaments Planning, Programmes and Policy Directorate (NATO IS)
armaments race (the)
limitation of armaments
Main Armaments Directorate of the RF Armed Forces
Navy Armaments Section
Phased Armaments Programming System (PAPS)
reduction and limitation of armed forces and armaments
strategic arms / armaments
Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD)
NATO Army Armaments Group (NAAG)
artillery armaments ammunition indexation
Conventional Armaments Planning System (CAPS)
Periodic Armaments Planning System (PAPS)
aircraft armaments / aircraft weapons
aircraft weapons / aircraft armaments
race of armaments