international humanitarian law (See international law of armed conflict)
violation of law (breach of the law)
ensurance of law and order
guarantor of law and order
investigation and intelligence unit (law enforcement)
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
civil law
enforcement of maritime law
enforcement of martial law
immigration law
international law of armed conflict
introduction of martial law
law enforcement agencies
law of armed conflict (LOAC)
law of the sea
law of war (LOW)
law-enforcement agency
light anti-tank weapon (LAW)
military law
national law
naval law
imposing martial law
public international law
rule of law
supremacy of law
light antitank weapon (LAW)
Bays-Ballot’s law
Pascal law
aerodynamic law
law of connected vessels
law of equilibrium in connected vessels