розосередження по фронту та в глибину
dispersion in depth
coordinate fire laterally and in depth
lateral and longitudinal trimming actuator
battlefield dispersion/ dispersal
radiological dispersal (dispersion) device (RDD); dirty bomb
zone of dispersion
axes of dispersion zone
axis of dispersion in deflection
cone of dispersion
cross-country dispersion
direction dispersion rectangle
dispersion in line
dispersion ladder for direction
vertical dispersion
volume of dispersion
fire dispersion
antiaircraft volume of dispersion
aerodynamic dispersion
allowance for dispersion
impact dispersion
launching dispersion
center of dispersion
pattern of dispersion
range dispersion diagram
longitudinal axis of a zone of dispersion
range dispersion
direction dispersion
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
defense in depth
depth bomb / charge
depth contour