оборона до останнього солдата
last-ditch defense / last stand
last-ditch stand
last stand
all to the last man
defend to the last man
last man standing
no man's land / no-man's land
man behind the man behind the gun
man-to-man encounter
man-to-man fighting
man-to-man weapon
die in the last ditch
last hono(u)rs
last light
last lights
last contact report
last ditchers
last name
last out
last post
last rush
last three
last-ditch defense
last-ditch weapon
last-light report
last-minute maneuver
last-minute replacement
last-minute shortage
last-resort target
place on a last-resort basis
defend to the last drop of blood
Enable 'GPS Rescue' to return the craft to the location where it was last armed