проміжна база зосередження військ
staging area / staging zone
base junction; rotary collector ring (box); rotary base junction (of a tank); rotary connection; slip ring; traverse rotary base junction
reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSOI / RSOM&I)
theater staging area
bosun's-chair staging
collecting and staging unit
casualty staging unit
forward staging area
defense industrial base / military-industrial base
naval base; naval operating base
transitional ballistics / intermediate ballistics
intermediate agent
intermediate contour line
intermediate frequency
intermediate headquarters
intermediate location
intermediate maintenance
intermediate scale
intermediate section
intermediate support
intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM)
intermediate objects
intermediate point
intermediate waypoint
intermediate range in-theater nuclear force
intermediate casualty evacuation center
intermediate line of fire
intermediate range ballistic missile
intermediate range of long bracket
intermediate temperature sludge
intermediate value