керована людиною торпеда (людино-торпеда)
heavy-weight torpedo / heavy weight torpedo (HWT)
human remains (розм. HR, as opposed to Human Resources)
acoustic homing torpedo
advanced capabilities (ADCAP) torpedo
antisubmarine torpedo
fore torpedo room
lightweight high-speed antisubmarine torpedo
rocket-torpedo device
stern torpedo room
torpedo (torp)
torpedo boat
torpedo mission
torpedo tube (mount)
flying torpedo
dirigible torpedo
bangalore torpedo kit
bangalore / bangalore-torpedo
rocket-propelled bangalore torpedo
wire-guided torpedo
winged torpedo
air-to-sea homing torpedo
carrier-based torpedo attack
drone assisted torpedo
drone-assisted torpedo
torpedo bomber drone
magnetic torpedo
air-launched torpedo attack
Common Heavy Weight Torpedo (CHWT)
Defense Integrated Military Human Resource System (DIMHRS)
Human and Financial Resources Directorate (NATO)
human effects
human endurance