об'єкт, що підлягає особливій охороні (про розвідку / термін спецслужб)
secured a large supply of
improperly secured cargo
area secured
highly compressed (gas)
highly mobile
highly disruptive
highly accurate field artillery guided missiles
highly classified
highly classified documents
highly classified intel / intelligence
highly detergent oil
highly mobile tank
judge the material provided as highly valuable
highly collimated beam weapon
highly toxic substance
HAMMER (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range)
highly inclined elliptical orbit
highly-inclined orbit
highly discouraged
flashing might fail, especially on highly integrated AIOs
break-bulk facility
European Peace Facility (EPF)
facility substitutes
first aid facility
joint robotics repair facility (JRRF)
medical and casualty facility
medical facility
medical treatment facility (MTF)
mission package support facility (MPSF)
repair facility
shipbuilding facility (shipyard)