патрони високої швидкості
High Velocity Missile (HVM)
high-velocity drop
high-velocity projection of fragments
Starstreak HVM (High Velocity Missile) [’sta:stri:k]
Stormer (a mobile platform for the HVM system) (HVM - High Velocity Missile)
high velocity armor piercing (HVAP)
ultra-high striking velocity
ultra-high velocity cartridge
high velocity handgun
High-Resolution Well-Velocity Survey
high-velocity aircraft rocket
high-velocity antitank shell
high-velocity armor-piercing shell
high-velocity cartridge
high-velocity combustion
high-velocity gun
high-velocity load
high-velocity rubbing
high-velocity tank gun
high-velocity weapon
HVAP flechette (high velocity armor piercing)
high velocity armor piercing discarding sabot fin-stabilized projectile
high precision ammunition
be high on ammunition
high altitude-high opening (HAHO)
high pay-off target / high-payoff target (HPT)
high-burst / high burst (HB)
high road; high-road
high-power illuminator radar / high power illuminating radar (HIPIR)
high-performance / high performance
current velocity