зброя (для ведення) навісного вогню
high trajectory
high trajectory fire
high-trajectory fire
high-trajectory rocket
curved trajectory weapon
high altitude-high opening (HAHO)
high pay-off target / high-payoff target (HPT)
high-burst / high burst (HB)
high road; high-road
high-power illuminator radar / high power illuminating radar (HIPIR)
high-performance / high performance
high-precision weapon
super high frequency weapon
high-velocity weapon
admissible trajectory
ballistic trajectory
base of the trajectory
circular trajectory
curving trajectory
elements of a trajectory
flat trajectory
low-level cruise trajectory
target (missile) flight trajectory
trajectory within a standard atmosphere
apex of trajectory
curved trajectory
flat trajectory fire
passive phase of a trajectory
ascending branch (of a trajectory)
base of trajectory
calculated trajectory