іноземна посадова особа високого рангу
high-ranking military official
ranking official
ranking individual
ranking officer
ranking element
ranking officer-in-charge
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
official document
official record
official Secrets Act
official travel
veteran intelligence official
intelligence officer under official cover
official testing
7.62×51mm NATO (official nomenclature 7.62 NATO)
absence without official leave (AWOL)
no official Betaflight target was found
Official releases
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP, EU)
foreign duty
foreign instrumentation signals
foreign intelligence
Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)
foreign internal defense (FID)
foreign military sales (FMS)
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
repatriation of foreign nationals
Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure (TS&FD)
foreign adversary
foreign area and language study
foreign area officer