high-explosive armor-piercing (HEAP)
бронебійно-фугасний снаряд (напр. повнокаліберний бронебійний снаряд із розривним зарядом, див. APHE)
бронебійно-фугасний снаряд (напр. повнокаліберний бронебійний снаряд із розривним зарядом, див. APHE)
high-explosive armor-piercing with tracer (HEAP-T)
high-explosive armor-piercing with tracer, self-destructing (HEAP-T SD)
armor piercing projectile / armor-piercing projectile
armor piercing high explosive with (a blunt nose and) a ballistic cap
Armor Piercing High-Explosive – Tracer (APHE-T )
armor-piercing capped high-explosive (APCHE)
armor-piercing high explosive shell (APHE)
armor-piercing high-explosive plastic (APHE-P)
armor-piercing plastic high explosive (APPHE)
high-explosive armor-piercing shell
high velocity armor piercing (HVAP)
high-velocity armor-piercing shell
HVAP flechette (high velocity armor piercing)
high velocity armor piercing discarding sabot fin-stabilized projectile