важке озброєння
AASM Hammer (фр. Armament Air-Sol Modulaire / A2SM) / Modular Air-to-Ground Armament
heavy-caliber armament
automatic heavy barrel rifle / heavy barrel automatic rifle
heavy-armored (heavy armoured)
heavy-weight torpedo / heavy weight torpedo (HWT)
aircraft armament
aircraft armament system
armament control switch
armament panel
armament section
armament(s) (armt)
authorised armament/weapon
gunnery armament
naval armament
primary armament
rocket armament (rkt armt) / rocket weapon (rkt wpn)
ship armament
fighting equipment and armament
missile artillery armament service
missile-artillery armament system
main armament
renovation of armament manufacturing (REARM)
American Armament Corporation
antitank armament
Armament and Supply Officer
armament school
Armament Supply Department
armament warrant officer
close-range anti-aircraft armament
Director of Armament Development
division of armament