вертикальне наведення гармати зміною нахилу корпусу
behaviour-altering drugs
altering arrangements
L119 light gun (105 mm light gun)
submachine gun / sub-machine gun (SMG; smg)
gun control equipment / gun-control equipment (GCE)
duck gun (duck-gun)
flame gun / flaming gun
gun by gun
pitch a tent
pitch change beam / link / rods
pitch motion
tank passive pitch and roll damping system
non-uniform pitch propeller
uniform pitch (twist)
pitch damping
collective pitch control
collective pitch control lever
cyclic pitch control stick
petroleum pitch
pitch control
pitch control lever
prop pitch actuator
azimuthal pitch control
pitch program
pitch programmer
adjustable-pitch propeller
reverse pitch of airscrew
blade pitch angle
cyclic pitch control rod
effective pitch of propeller
geometric(al) pitch of blade element
geometric(al) pitch of propeller