наземний індикатор системи наведення
wing-in-ground-effect amphibious craft; ground-effect vehicle (GEV); wing-in-ground-effect (WIG); ground-effect craft; wingship; flarecraft; ekranoplan
head-up display / heads-up-display (HUD)
modular integrated display and sight helmet (Modular Integrated Display-And-Sight Helmet)
panel display ground
ground command guidance
ground controlled boost guidance
ground guidance center
ground guidance computer
ground guidance equipment
ground guidance repair section
ground guidance station
ground guidance subsystem
ground guidance system
ground roll guidance
ground-based guidance
ground-based radio guidance
ground-control guidance system
ground-controlled guidance
ground-reference guidance
guidance digital ground station
guidance ground-conditioning duct
ground guidance
ground guidance section
battle-ground / battle ground / battleground
Ground Observer 12 (GO 12 Ground Surveillance Radar, нім. Bodenüberwachungsradar)
vantage ground / vantage-ground
ground-to-ground guided missile
ground-to-ground rocket
ground/air communications / ground-air communication
alphanumeric display
commander's integrated display
control and display unit (CDU)