емісія на рівні землі
wing-in-ground-effect amphibious craft; ground-effect vehicle (GEV); wing-in-ground-effect (WIG); ground-effect craft; wingship; flarecraft; ekranoplan
emission level
depot maintenance (beyond O and I level activities, performed in an industrial-type facility) / D-level maintenance
surveyor's level (surveying level, tbc)
level to / with the ground
ground level (GL)
above ground level (AGL)
altitude above ground level
below ground level
emission control (EMCON)
emission control plan
light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (laser)
Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (maser)
radar emission
fume emission
exhaust smoke emission
cruise emission parameter(s)
atmospheric emission
reduce emission
non-organized industrial emission(s)
targeted emission reduction
aircraft engine emission
alternate emission methodology
domestic aviation emission(s)
emission alteration
emission cap
emission certification method
emission control through operational practice
emission credit
emission index
emission inventory
emission limit(s)