аерофотознімок із координатною сіткою
aerial photo (photograph)
aerial photo interpretation
aerial photo interpreter
mil gridded oblique
grid map / gridded map
gridded vertical air photograph
photo-electric fuze
over-water photo reconnaissance operations
air photo interpretation
air-photo transfer
vertical air photo
joint air-photo center
immediate photo interpretation report
scope photo
electronic photo sensor
aerial ambulance
aerial combat
aerial delivery
aerial mining
aerial navigation
aerial photography/mapping
aerial platform
aerial port of debarkation (ADOP)
aerial reconnaissance
aerial refueling / air refueling / in-flight refueling (IFR) / air-to-air refueling (AAR)
aerial target
destruction of aerial targets
Joint Aerial Layer Network (JALN)
nano-unmanned aerial system (nUAS)
oblique aerial photography
Uncrewed Air(craft) / Aerial System (UAS)