графічна таблиця стрільби / ведення вогню
graphical firing ѕсаІе
graphical assignment of prearranged fires
Graphical artificial horizon indicator
Graphical compass bar showing current heading
Graphical remaining
Graphical representation of battery capacity usage
Graphical used
firing table
firing table probable error
firing point / firing pin
firing position / firing attitude
firing limit / firing cycles limit
artillery fire plan table
flyout table
manning table
movement table
organization and equipment table
plane table
road movement table
sandtable (sand table)
table of distribution and allowance
table-top exercise (TTX)
wartime table of organization and equipment (war establishment)
artillery fire table
artillery fire table for plain and mountainous areas
ballistic table
individual gun correction table
tentative table of equipment
tentative table of organization and equipment
assignment table
sand table exercises (STEX)