захисні окуляри
night-vision goggles (NVGs); night vision goggles (NVG)
combat goggles / tactical goggles
First Person View Goggles (FPV Goggles)
image intensifier goggles
white light goggles
NV (night vision) mount, NVG (Night Vision Goggles) mount
NV kit, NVG kit / Night Vision, Night Vision Goggles
Wolfspider system, Wolfspider Ballistic Goggles
flip-up goggles
night-vision flip-up goggles
flying ace goggles
safety goggles
Panoramic Night Vision Goggles (PNVG)
FPV goggles
virtual reality goggles
ballistic goggles
box-style goggles
lose the bind (to the goggles)
low-profile goggles
slimline goggles
Goggle DVR status rendered by the goggles
Goggle fan speed rendered by the goggles
Goggle voltage rendered by the goggles