отримувати перевагу над противником; здобувати перемогу
time-gain control / gain time control
get the upper hand in the artillery warfare
hand in hand
hand-to-hand combat
hand-to-hand fight(ing) (HTH/H2H)
land-based upper layer (LBUL)
Sea-Based Upper Layer (SBUL)
upper air fallout
upper deck
upper layer
upper sideband (USB)
upper glacis plate
adjustable upper sling swivel
upper ball race
upper center crankshaft bearing
upper edge of front sight
upper front crankshaft bearing
upper front plate
upper hemisphere
upper insulator gasket
upper motor lubricant
upper proximity dot (of a gyro gunsight)
upper rear crankshaft bearing
upper sling swivel
upper tank
upper time ring
upper water tank
upper bearing
upper torque link
upper explosive limit
wing upper surface
upper-air layer