частота, інтенсивність, час, тип
pulse repetition frequency (PRF) / pulse-repetition frequency
combat intensity
crisis intensity
high-intensity conflict (HIC)
high-intensity directed acoustics
high-intensity light
high-intensity lights
high-intensity sound
intensity mine circuit
low-intensity conflict (LIC)
intensity of fire
calorific intensity
runway traffic intensity
volumetric intensity of flow
high intensity light (HIL)
intensity of flow
intensity of stress
intensity of turbulence
low intensity light (LIL)
medium intensity light (MIL)
rain-intensity gauge
echo intensity
high intensity radio transmission area (HIRTA)
radiation intensity
zone standard time (zone time) (ZST)
time to climb / climb time
time-gain control / gain time control
real time kinematic / real-time kinematic (RTK)
takeoff time (T time)
Date and time from real time clock
Real time clock date / time