захворювання, спровоковане прийманням їжі
disease and nonbattle injury (DNBI)
disease surveillance system
endemic local disease
infectious disease protection
biological agent vector; carrier; disease-carrying vector
focus of endemic disease
venereal disease control officer
effective disease area
causative organism of the disease
allowance of food
contaminated food
emergency food supplies
food aid
Food and Agriculture Planning Committee (FAPC, NATO)
food and rations
food-for-thought paper
World Food Programme (WFP)
food packaging
food inspection service
veterinary food inspection service
annual food plan
sea-borne guerilla tactics
ship-borne artillery
target acquisition (air borne) system
vehicle-borne explosive device
vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED)
vehicle borne IED (VBIED)
insect-borne vector
tank-borne infantry company
vehicle- borne infantry
person-borne improvised explosive device (PBIED)