проблисковий вогонь; (мор.) блискуче світло
light flashing device
group-flashing light
continue flashing
Could not get file for flashing
Failed flashing ESC
Flashing ...
Flashing device
Flashing ESC
Flashing inappropriate firmware may damage your ESC
Flashing Method
Flashing new firmware will wipe out all settings
Flashing Options
flashing unstable firmware
passthrough flashing
previous device still flashing
Remote Firmware loaded, ready for flashing
flashing might fail, especially on highly integrated AIOs
Reading and Flashing disabled
When flashing new (or different) ESC firmware it is best practice to adhere to the following checklist
L119 light gun (105 mm light gun)
blade tip light / main-rotor blade tip light
main-rotor blade tip light blade tip light
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
blackout light
first light
guided missile light cruiser
headquarters light scout car
high-intensity light
illuminating light
indicator light
invisible light aid
invisible light equipment