вихід / виїзд із району висадки (вивантаження) морського десанту
far side (farside, far-side)
far-side rally point / far side rally point
far shore
far shore acceptance
far shore base of operations
far shore company
far-shore company
far-shore section
near-to-far-shore construction
shore-to-shore (assault) operation
shore-to-shore supply
entry-exit checkpoint (EECP)
fan exit duct
point of entry / exit
beach exit
exit pupil
emergency exit
axial exit nozzle
exhaust nozzle exit
exit gas
exit louvers
exit nozzle
post-exit reverser
pre-exit reverser
overwing emergency exit
emergency exit hatch
emergency exit step up
exit air
exit taxiway
high speed (exit) taxiway
exit strategy