дрон радіаційної розвідки (визначення зон випадання радіоактивних опадів)
fall of shot calibration (fall-of-shot calibration)
fallout prediction drone
fall-out area
fall out
Estimation and Prediction of Orbits and Clocks to High Accuracy (EPOCHA)
fuze prediction time
prediction mechanism
jet noise prediction technique
numerical weather prediction (NWP)
aircraft noise prediction program(me)
prediction of emissions at flight conditions
elevation prediction
target prediction
target-spotting prediction plate
radio propagation prediction
wait out / wait-out
angle of fall
fall of the hammer
free fall
free fall air drop
free-fall bomb
line of fall
fall of shot to side of target
spring and fall grade gasoline
fall off
fall back to a new line
defenses fall apart
fall back
fall before the enemy
fall behind time
fall for formation