вибухова речовина
combustible substance
flammable substance
illicit substance (counter-narcotics)
substance abuse
working substance
inflammable substance
ozone depleting substance
non-toxic harmful substance
biological active substance
hazardous substance
highly toxic substance
liquid state of substance
low global warming potencial substance
nitrogen-containing substance
priority substance
pyrotechnic substance
soluble substance
toxic substance
radioactive substance
chemically hazardous substance
RDX (Research Department eXplosive/Royal Demolition eXplosive), hexogen
explosive (explosive agent)
booster and lead explosive / booster explosive
high-explosive explosive
advanced explosive ordnance disposal robotic systems AEODRS
Allied joint doctrine for countering improvised explosive devices (C- IED) (AJP-3.15)
blasting explosive (normal-, high-, low strength)
caseless explosive
cast explosive
combustion of explosive
conventional explosive