еквівалентне навантаження на одне ізольоване колесо (шасі)
single isolated wheel load
isolated personnel
isolated incident
isolated vortex
isolated danger mark
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
wheel lock pistol (wheellock / wheel-lock)
single-seat / single seat
design wheel load
RHA equivalent
TNT equivalent
correction for cross component of equivalent constant wind
equivalent full charge
heat equivalent of the brake horsepower
equivalent service rounds
fuselage equivalent diameter
equivalent engine thrust
equivalent power
equivalent noise resistance
equivalent airspeed (EAS)
equivalent echoing area
equivalent of function
equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p. / EIRP)
man roentgen equivalent
ration cash allowance (equivalent)
Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR)
compensating idler wheel
hand wheel
leading wheel
motorcycle-type steering wheel
road wheel