ежекційний пристрій (напр. танкової гармати)
ejection launched
ejection seat / ejector seat
base ejection shell
base ejection smoke shell
base ejection star shell
cartridge ejection
ejection piston
ejection slot
ejection port
ejection bomb
ejection capsule
ejection charge
ejection chute
ejection rotor motor
ejection team
silo ejection launch
Next Generation Ejection Seat (NGES)
safety and arming device / safety-and-arming device
air intake device / air-intake device
Reset device options to the recommended defaults on this device target. Except for your custom binding phrase
airborne surveillance device
ambush detection device
anti-countermining device
anti-fuse-removal device
anti-recovery device
anti-sweep device
anti-withdrawal device
automatic switching device
bomb-detection device
circuit-closing device
cratering device