система координат, зв’язана із Землею
scorched earth tactics (scorch-earth tactics)
earth-centered earth-fixed coordinate system (ECEF)
axis (мн. axes)
concentration along the key axes
orthogonal axes
stabilized in two axes
axes of dispersion zone
wind axes
body axes
separate axes
attack on two axes
earth bank
lumps of earth
scorched earth policy
nap-of-the-earth (NOE) (ground-hugging / terrain masking / flying under the radar / hedgehopping)
slave earth station
earth penetrating weapon
earth auger truck
earth borer and polesetter truck
earth electrode
earth road
earth wax
earth albedo
earth gravity
earth orbital flight
earth receiver
earth shoulder
earth surface
earth transmitter
Earth’s atmosphere
earth-centered orbit
Earth's electric field