отримувати розриви на лінії спостереження
dead drop / dead-drop exchange
drop head body (drop-head body)
multiple rounds simultaneous impact (MRSI)
rounds of ball cartridges
rounds per man
rounds per minute (r.p.m.)
equivalent service rounds
group of rounds
allotment of rounds
deployment line; line of deployment (LD); line of departure
drop out of 'the column (line)
observer-target line (OT line)
scheme trail line (tag line)
air drop
drop bolt
drop tank
drop zone (DZ)
drop-off point (DOP)
free fall air drop
gravity drop
heavy drop resupply
high-velocity drop
low-velocity drop
minimum pressure drop
voltage drop
magazine drop pouch / dump pouch
extinguishing agent drop
extinguishing agent drop abort
Operation Acid Drop
cartridge drop lever spring
drop center rim
drop container