вибивати противника з укріпленої вогневої споруди
stop the enemy in his tracks
cut the enemy off his rear
pillbox (pill box)
pillbox target
concrete pillbox
seal a pillbox
drive line / drive (propeller) shaft
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
HMS (Her / His Majesty's Ship)
His Majesty's Naval Base
His Majesty's ship
hold his head up (in any situation)
Helicopter Interservice Working Group (HIS WG)
overwhelm an enemy / overwhelm the enemy
camshaft drive
direct-drive clutch
drive a wedge
drive spring
drive spring guide
drive sprocket
drive-by shooting
final drive
launcher drive system (LDS)
major drive
propeller shaft (drive shaft)
water drive engine
laying drive
front axle drive
all-gear drive
all-wheel drive