дивізійний обмінний пункт
ambulance exchange point
bath and clothing exchange point
exchange point
operational meteorological data regional exchange point (OPMET)
divisional artillery regiment
divisional ammunition company
divisional armorer's shop
divisional artillery group
divisional artillery lane
divisional general survey
divisional grid
divisional ordnance depot
divisional petrol company
air situation data exchange (ASDE)
All-Purpose Structured EUROCONTROL Radar Information Exchange (ASTERIX)
army exchange
direct exchange (DX) (logistics)
exchange of bodies
exchange of information
exchange of prisoners
exchange pallets
exchange service (ES)
exchange system
hostage exchange
information exchange requirements (IER)
intelligence exchange
logistic training exchange
military trading organization (Naafi, UK; post exchange, US)
post exchange (PX)
post exchange supplies
tactical field exchange (TFE)