Напрямок змінено на протилежний (стосується дронів)
Motor direction is reversed
reversed polarity
Air Force tactical air direction net
automatic combat direction system
compass direction
direction and control of the armed forces
direction finding (DF)
direction of attack
direction of the main blow
fire direction center (FDC)
forward direction center
group fire direction center
high frequency direction finder
indecisive direction
multifunctional radio control, direction finding and suppression system (portable) (MKRPP)
strategic direction
verbal direction
weapon direction equipment (WDE)
weapon direction system (WDS)
fire direction (FD)
tactical fire direction
technical fire direction
assume direction
passive direction finding (PDF)
principal direction of fire (PDF)
air defense direction center
auditory direction finder
awkward direction
base direction
direction dispersion rectangle
direction of break-through
direction range