вибухова хвиля, детонаційна хвиля
detonation-wave rocket
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) / voltage standing-wave ratio
accidental detonation
contained detonation
controlled detonation
conventional detonation/explosion
detonation combustion
detonation velocity
nuclear detonation
open burning and open detonation (OBOD) (= open-pit)
point of detonation
detonation bearing fatigue
detonation meter
engine detonation indicator
detonation characteristic
engine detonation
propellant detonation
stable detonation
detonation spraying
water detonation
anti-detonation armoured insert
anti-detonation vat
ammunition detonation area
atomic detonation
air wave strikes
blast wave diffraction
blast wave projector
bow wave
direct effect of blast wave
high-pressure wave
millimeter-wave radar