руйнівна дія машин (на дорожнє покриття)
top-attack (top attack; top-down attack )
destructive action
destructive effects / consequences
destructive force / power
destructive effort
non-destructive test(ing)
destructive ability
destructive agent
destructive capacity
destructive charge
destructive curtain
destructive payload
destructive potential
destructive warhead
unleash destructive flooding
armored vehicles
destruction of delivery vehicles
Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV)
multipurpose vehicles
tactical vehicles
transport vehicles
Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV)
vehicles per kilometer
maintenance vehicles
recognition of combat vehicles (ROC-V)
batch of pre-production vehicles
check point for vehicles
wheeled military vehicles
establishment of vehicles
terrain-hugging air-breathing low-flying vehicles
vehicles to the mile
vehicles А