виліт (снаряда)
armor piercing projectile / armor-piercing projectile
departure airfield
departure area
departure point
estimated time of departure (ETD)
line of departure (LD)
zone of departure
departure waypoint
deployment line; line of deployment (LD); line of departure
low-altitude departure waypoint
angle of departure
departure plane
aerodrome of departure
airport of departure
departure control office
departure time
activity time of departure
line of departure
air force departure point
area of departure
anti-personnel-anti-material projectile
artillery projectile
bean-bag projectile
carrier projectile
ceramic shards projectile
counter-hollow charge projectile protective screen
explosively formed penetrator / projectile (EFP)
hard-core projectile
HE projectile
high explosive antitank projectile (HEAT proj)
high-explosive fragmentation projectile / shell (HEF)