знак позначення місця висадки (вивантаження)
marker antenna / marker beacon antenna
aerial port of debarkation (ADOP)
airport of debarkation (APOD)
port of debarkation (POD)
seaport of debarkation (SPOD)
debarkation station
debarkation schedule
aerial port of debarkation
debarkation hospital
debarkation medical officer
debarkation net
debarkation officer
debarkation point
debarkation port
debarkation priority
debarkation priority number
dye marker
flag marker
foam dye marker
gap marker
invisible marker
laser paint marker
marker lights (mark lights)
paint gun marker
hazard marker
survey marker
dissemination limiting marker
non-directional radio beacon with marker (NDB/MRB)
outer locator with marker (OLM)
outer marker (OM)
boundary marker