корпусна артилерія
corps (мн. corps)
artillery with the corps
corps rocket artillery group
Coast Artillery Corps Reserve
corps artillery staff
corps troops, Royal Artillery
corps artillery group
Royal Artillery Corps commander
main artillery (major caliber artillery)
artillery and rocket artillery
Adjutant General Corps (AGC)
Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps
army corps
army corps of engineers
Army Medical Specialist Corps (AMSC)
Army Nurse Corps (ANC)
Chaplain Corps (CHC)
Chemical Corps (CmlC)
Commandant of the Marine Corps
corps command net
Corps of Engineers (CE)
Corps Support Command Headquarters (COSCOM HQ)
Dental Corps (DC)
division-corps-joint-command level
echelon above corps (EAC)
esprit de corps
Finance Corps (FC)
Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAGC)
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
Marine Corps
Marine Corps Intelligence Agency (MCIA)
Marine Corps Special Operations Forces (MARSOF)