тяги управління дросельною заслінкою карбюратора
export controls
Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies
aerodynamic controls
air-brake controls
dual-driving controls
helicopter controls
trackmaster controls
air controls
carburettor (carburetor)
atomizing carburetor
automotive carburetor
bubbling carburetor
carburetor air cleaner
carburetor assembly
carburetor bowl
carburetor degasser conduit
carburetor float depressor
carburetor for heavy fuel
carburetor gasoline adjustment valve
carburetor hot water pipe
carburetor intake scoop
carburetor intake screen
carburetor jacket
carburetor muff
carburetor primer
carburetor repair kit
carburetor setting
carburetor throttle body
carburetor throttle kicker
carburetor throttle stop
carburetor valve