снаряд зі звичайною оживальною частиною і бронебійним наконечником
common pointed projectile
capped projectile
pointed head
pointed object
pointed tip
hollow-pointed bullet
common shell (projectile)
antiaircraft common projectile
common AA projectile
common geometry smart projectile
common projectile
armor-piercing capped incendiary shell with tracer
armor-piercing capped round
armor-piercing capped high-explosive (APCHE)
Armour Piercing, Capped (APC)
Armour Piercing, Capped, with Ballistic Cap (APCBC)
armour-piercing high explosive ballistic capped (APHEBC)
armor piercing projectile / armor-piercing projectile
area of common interest (ACI)
common data link (CDL)
common defense policy
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP, EU)
common frequency
common intelligence picture (CIP)
Common Item Materiel Management (COMMIT)
common missile
common operating environment (COE)
common operational picture (COP)
common recognized information picture
common security
common supplies
common user facilities