Комерційна стратегія в галузі геопросторових даних
Commercial Initiative to Buy Operationally Responsive GEOINT (CIBORG)
geospatial intelligence (GEOINT)
GEOINT integrated reference architecture
commercial off the shelf
commercial satellite communications (COMSATCOM)
direct commercial sales (DCS)
payment to commercial vendors
commercial off the shelf (COTS)
commercial grade
commercial grade fuel
commercial loading
commercial water movement
civil and commercial UAVs
commercial drone
coalition strategy
containment strategy
crisis-prevention strategy
deterrent strategy
flexible response strategy
forward technology strategy
information collection and reporting strategy
information strategy
military strategy
national military strategy (NMS)
national security strategy (NSS)
nuclear strategy
peripheral strategy
transition strategy
Fabian tactics / strategy
Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS)
defense strategy