головний корабельний старшина
Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO)
Chief Petty Officer (CPO)
Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO)
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
senior chief officer
petty officer (PO)
Petty Officer First Class (PO1)
duty petty officer
petty warfare
Senior Air Defense Officer (SADO)
senior air staff officer
senior general staff officer
senior landing officer
senior naval officer
senior noncommissioned officer
senior officer
senior patrol officer
senior personnel staff officer
senior supply officer
senior technical staff officer
chief information officer (CIO)
Chief Staff Officer
chief warrant officer
chief operating officer
Chief Ordnance Officer
non-commissioned officer (NCO) / noncomissioned officer
Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee (SCEPC)
Senior Civilian Representative
Senior Defense Group on Proliferation (NATO)
senior division
Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA)