комендант КП
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
aiming post lamp / aiming post light
non-commissioned officer (NCO) / noncomissioned officer
airborne command post
alternate command post
command post (CP)
command post exercise (CPX)
command post rehearsal
command-and-observation post
computerized command post
division army air defense command post
field and command post exercise
logistical command post exercise
main command post
maneuverable command post
march command post
rear command post
tactical command post (TCP)
artillery command post
mobile command post (MCP)
command control post (CCP)
improved platoon command post
platoon command post
advance command post
aerial command post
amount of command of observation post
battalion command post
battery command post
harbor defense command post
heavy artillery command post
holographic command post
flank command post