combat and administrative support
забезпечення бойових дій (що здійснюється всіма родами військ і службами тилу)
забезпечення бойових дій (що здійснюється всіма родами військ і службами тилу)
administrative company / administrative support company
logistical and administrative support
air support field pack, field pack air support, airborne / para (air support) / Pathfinder Bergen
tactical support syn. combat support
administrative support operations center
combined arms units and formations continuous artillery combat support
combat support and service forces
administrative and technical measures
administrative and operational services costs
administrative and logistical matters
administrative and special duties branch
administrative and technical staff
administrative and transport platoon
senior оfficer, administrative and build-up subgroup
Territorial Centre of Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS / TCR & SS / TCR and SS)
kit and equipment / combat kit and equipment
fire support coordinator / fire-support coordinator (FSCOORD)